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Forum Posts

Sep 17, 2020
In Agriculture Forum
Having read a lot about Humic Substances in the past 10 years, it was so refreshing to encounter the document - "Innovation in Biological Agriculture Systems", which served to provide an excellent pragmatic overview of the subject, plus illustrate the uniqueness and and innovative qualities of the 'OroGro370' product. Congratulations Gold'N Humates with what you have achieved in bringing to market what is clearly the 'gold standard' when it comes to a humate product, and one destined to make a significant impact in the fields of agriculture, bioremediation and human health. The scientific references are very good but don't cover research carried out in the past 20 years; research I am sure would serve to further confirm the uniqueness and innovative qualities of OroGro307. Could it be that a listing of the quality research into Humic Substances in the past 20 years does readily exist, and could be added to complement the already impressive reference listing in this document?


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